Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 4 of 30 (or 60): Balance, or Lack Thereof

Me after my fourth yoga class, clutching my nasty Coconut Water
Tuesday, August 16th 2011
Happy Birthday Nabil!  Happy Birthday Madonna!

Other than those two lovely birthdays, my day was fraught with restlessness and feelings of wanting to rip my skin off.  I felt energized most of the day but then all of a sudden, discomfort.  On a lighter note, I'm not in any yoga pain! 

I might have an opportunity to change my shift at work that may be a good move or a not so good move, I don't know the answer.  I'm thinking that is really why I'm feeling this way.  When I don’t know the answer or I’m faced with change, I feel like crap.  The positive in this negative feeling?  I can’t wait until Yoga.

Maren worked late tonight so we went to the 8 P.M. class.  It was nice because there weren’t as many people there, but the usual faces weren’t there either, and the instructor (who we’ve never had before) was just so/so.

I was excited to make it through the awkward poses (squats) with less difficulty, although I still hated them more than anything.  But I was disappointed in my standing balance poses.  I fell out of eagle pose, balancing stick, and tree pose, poses that I generally have no problem with.  I was focusing a lot on my alignment so perhaps before, I just wasn’t aligning properly and my misalignment is what kept me balanced.  I was kinda bummed, but understand that I can come back tomorrow and work on it. 

I once again walked out of yoga feeling healthy, strong, calm, and alive.  Our post yoga discussions included our so/so instructor, and the nasty Coconut Water they sold me.  I really don’t care how good Coconut Water is at replenishing electrolytes, I’ll stick to my Emergen-C. 

I spent the remainder of the conversation convincing Maren to come to class tomorrow.   But even if she doesn’t come, I will be there.  I have to be.  Not even because of the commitment I’ve made, but because my body already needs it.

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